Anneliese made an all vegan Thanksgiving Dinner. Really proud of her and her new Vegan Catering business - By Way of Plants.
Journal entry:
"I'm grateful for the support system of this home. Food - abundance, laughter - warmth
Grateful for opportunity - this point last year I hadn't even started working on Life.
Ebrima spoke of twenty seven. 27.
I will be 25.
I have time - will not wait for it like some magic moment.
Rather I will reflect on it as life flows through it."
Been working on the Sunday Morning at 7 film. A lot of conversations with Anicka. Going to rehearsals. Rereading Audre Lorde. Talking with women in my life. Watching female directors.
A really awesome moment came when in trying to create a narrative structure for the film with Anicka. We were able to use a painting I finished back in March as a reference to the narrative flow. The sketch is the foundation of the painting, and the dances happen at major points within the diagram.
"My Heart is a Volcano" sketch, used as a diagram to lay out the narrative and dance flow of the Sunday Morning at 7 film. Photo by Lev Omelchenko.
Journal Entry with quotes from Audrey Lorde's "Uses of the Erotic"
"Erotic offers a well of replenishing and provocative force to the woman who does not fear its revelation, nor succumb to the belief that sensation is enough"
pornography supression of true feeling
"Erotic is a measure between the beginnings of our sense of self and the chaos of our strongest feelings"
guide own destiny
"For the erotic is not a question only of what we do, it is a question of how acutely and fully we can feel in the doing."
Our world defines the good in terms of profits rather than in terms of human need.
"The principal horror of such a system is that it robs our work of its erotic value, its erotic power and life appeal and fulfillment."
"Eros the personification of love in all its aspects - born of Chaos and personifying the creative power and harmony"
Conversation with my sister. "Finding my Voice"
Conversation with Katy. "Fear and Power to give life. Same power Nature has. Erotic energy is just being human. It's feminine.
This film premiered December 2nd at Shira Benson's launch of her new website and release of her Crowns. It was an awesome experience and I'm very honored to have been part of the event. I was humbled the reception of the film and hope that it helps spread her work to a wide audience.
When she commissioned this fashion film, I was reading Carl Jung's writings on alchemy, specifically his thoughts on Coniunctio or the "sacred marriage".
"Literally, “conjunction,” used in alchemy to refer to chemical combinations; psychologically, it points to the union of opposites and the birth of new possibilities."
In conceptualizing the film my goal was to understand and communicate Shira's intention with the Crowns. I needed to cinematically manifest the Power of her work.
It was a challenge. I first met Shira as her new roommate when I arrived to Atlanta. Our personalities were strikingly different and we came from alien worlds. In many ways we were opposites. Our yearlong collaboration on this film, with all its complications, reflects our new friendship and is itself a "union of opposites and the birth new possibilities".
I think that's beautiful, and it inspires me to seek new collaborators.
One more interesting note:
In originally envisioned a scene lit by moonlight. It was an unrealistic goal considering the limitations of the shoot. Looking back at my notes on the project I found this quote from Jung striking:
"Seek the coldness of the moon and you shall find the heat of the sun."
I wish her the best of luck and envision much success for her work.
Here are some BTS photos of the film shoot:
Winter Solstice at The Bakery presents The Good Work. Sophia Gallagher brought together a wonderful group of creatives, artists, innovators, entrepreneurs, and local people doing good work in Atlanta.
Journal Entry after the Event:
Katy "The magic that we thought was magic, is hummanity"
"The Winter Solstice - thank you Sophia for inspring us all to meet and discuss our work. Willow and Sophia and Olive all showed me gratitude for hosting - something that came pretty easy to me - and thankfully it was good.
The real joy comes from feeling like we're growing something meaningful. Powerful.
Willow is really experienced - really knows what shes doing - even if she doesnt - she knows more than anyone else in the space. Whatever happens, she will a very powerful ally.
And I'm glad I can be an instrument in bringing her vision to life."
"I had the vision in Ukraine of a space - like The Bakery - I had a vision of it - it motivated me through a literal vibration through my bones. Vibration. Energy.
I was honored to screen a short documentary on one of the most inspiring people I've met in the past year, Guisepe Spadafora. The Tea Man.
Sequoyah and I are traveling together. First few days will be spent with my family before and on New Years. We plan on exploring the city for the first week of January, as we prepare for the second Album Release of the Dream Sequence at The Glove in Brooklyn on January 7th. I will hang back in NY for another week until my birthday, to spend it with my family for the first time since I was in High School. There is always a mix of emotions going home, seeing family, seeing old friends, re-discovering and exploring a city I left behind. Here is a poem:
How often do we think
of our heart.
A well of emotion
of Love
of pain
We must remember
our shared humanity
Unconditional Love
I extend to you all
Love as well as I know how"